All-American Hershey's chocolate: made in Mexico
June 02, 2007
While we're on the topic of plants closing and moving to Mexico, last Thursday there was this story in the L.A. Times: "Hershey plant to kiss Oakdale goodbye." Hershey is closing the doors of its plant in Oakdale, California, moving all 575 jobs to Monterrey, Mexico. But it's not just this one plant:
The 113-year-old company has described the plant shutdown as part of a "global supply-chain transformation." Some 3,000 of Hershey's 13,000 workers will lose their jobs, including as many as 900 in the company's hometown of Hershey, Pa., where the streetlights are shaped like Kisses. By 2010, Hershey says, the moves will save shareholders as much as $190 million annually.
"The financials are compelling," Chief Executive Richard H. Lenny told a meeting of market analysts in February, saying labor costs in Mexico are 10% of those in the United States. Asked about the negative publicity that would come with the plant closures, he said the decisions were "gut-wrenchingly difficult — but in the best interests of the business."
The article mentions protesters and a Hershey employee who said, "Milton Hershey's ideal was stability for families, but there's none of that anymore. There's no more moral connection between business and working-class America." Sadly, the words of these outspoken folks will probably fall on deaf ears as Oakdale's congressional representative, George Radanovich (R-Calif.), has a 100 percent anti-fair-trade voting record, having voted wrong on 15 out of 15 trade votes since taking office in 1995.
Hershey will pay 10% of existing wages by moving to Mexico.
Would Americans be willing to pay 10x more for a Hershey product if Hershey's stays?
$1 for a Nestle Cruch or $10 for a Hershey?
Posted by: mike | June 10, 2007 at 06:18 PM
You, Sir, are at best, a simpleton.
Your unstated, but apparent, 'global awareness', completely ignores facts and history.
I'll bet your highschool diploma...or GED...came after 1972.
Posted by: jim | June 12, 2007 at 12:22 AM
Some 10 years ago I gave a 45 minute lecture at 19 East Hershey Pennsylvania.
The Subject I called:
The Globalization Plan.
I spoke on how Hershey was heading towards a Globalization Plan,
that will have consequence yet not see and felt by its employees.
My subject was very direct and forthright.
Hershey is not the culprit here ,
but has be indoctrinated with this overwhelming sense
that they must follow the lead of other corporations
and businesses toward a destiny that will eventual spell their doom.
Its looks so sweet and inviting the paths they have decided to follow,
but behind the scenes are organizations bend
on taking America Down a path of NO Return.
A short story is told below:
Believe if you dare --
The Plan has be put in motion and no-one will stop it
until the culmination of all their plans are fulfilled
to the detriment of not only Hershey ,
but upon all who would say " God Bless America."
****God Bless America:*****
It's no surprise to see what is happening before us.
Ever since the meeting of the minds of 100 top world leaders
/scientist/ gathering in 1958 in Rome, to create a body of advisers
and councilors to change the way the world is run.***
The Plan was:::
1st , To break down the walls that separate countries- and in comes *** NAFTA.***...
2nd , Take from the Richer nations their lively-hood and lower their standard of living,
then give it to the poorer nations to raise their standard of living.***
3rd, Redistribute the Worlds Population by :
Creating atmospheres of conflict in different parts of the world,
to allow doors to be opened ,to accept an influx of people
from more populated areas of the world,
to come to areas of less population.
*** This also placed a greater burden on the industrial areas of the world ,
again creating a lower standard of living.
*** The only and last nation to bow down to these pressures is the USA of the Americas.
*** She has to be drained of her Power in whatever means possible.
*** How can the USA continue pouring billion of $dollars into wars that are designed for her to lose.
*** I was not surprised when 911 happened***-nor anything else I see happening.
4th, Break the world up into 10 separate divisions ,
each Region being responsible to control all aspect of life under it.
The Globalization of the world cannot be fulfilled,
UNTIL America can No longer support its Debt.
*** Once the USA defaults on her payments -
the WORLD BANK and the IMF(International Monetary Fund),
will step in and bail her out -with stipulations.
*** America's Glory will be lost forever and departed.
*** Organizations inside and outside of the USA ,
have been set up for this express purpose
and the American People have been given the Royal Flush.
*** Once the USA defaults --
then the formation of the Globalization plan will final come together.
*** The scuttle word used today is ""Governance."""
The CLUB of ROME formed in 1958 in Rome,
is one of its Champions in this march towards a World Government
and no nation will be spared its wrath.
*** Hershey's planned exodus of USA jobs to other countries is no surprise,
when you see it it this light.
The US Dollar MUST CRASH in order for the EURO to become the Dominate currency .
We cannot stop this train in motion, it will happen and we will all be affected.
*** Some 17yrs employeed with Hershey is all I see shortly.
I say Again : Evil has been perpetrated on America
and she has lost her moorings of *** IN GOD WE TRUST ***.
What is the truest definition of Globalization?
Princess Diana's death.
How come?
An English Princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a French tunnel,
driving a German car with a Dutch engine,
driven by a Belgian who was drunk on Scottish whisky,
followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, on Japanese motorcycles;
treated by an American doctor, using Brazilian medicines.
This is sent to you by an American, using Bill Gate's technology,
and you're probably reading this on your computer,
that uses Taiwanese chips, and a Korean monitor,
assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant,
transported by Indian lorry-drivers, hijacked by Indonesians,
unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen,
and trucked to you by a Mexican illegal.....
That, my friends, is Globalization !!
Posted by: Frank McIsaac | June 14, 2007 at 06:00 PM
If we do not get rid of our present tax system and move to a consumption tax, everything we buy will be made off-shore. Currently, our off-shore purchases average about 60% overall.
Tell Washington we want to Fair Tax, HR25, before it's too late.
Posted by: bhgdrn | October 08, 2007 at 08:56 AM
Our National elections are looming on the horizon. How do we as Americans solve this? All the candidates are two faced liars and I see no hope in any of the bunch. Is there some one out there that we can rally behind who actually has our interests at heart? We need to pray people! Our country thrived when God was in it. We need to rally around Him because there seems to be no other hope. I'm up for it and not ashamed to say so. What about you?
Posted by: Robert Tropea | October 18, 2007 at 09:19 PM
Actually the question is, will the cost of Hershey Bars be reduced by 90%? No, all the saving will line the pockets of executives.
Posted by: Kathy R | October 30, 2007 at 03:20 PM
I hope Hershey has a global marketing plan to sell their candy - since the benefactor of this change will be the Mars Candy Company.
Posted by: bob | December 04, 2007 at 02:12 AM
The corporate executives speak of the great savings. The Lionel Corporation said the same things, about the huge savings. And after all production was sent to China, prices went up even though production costs plummeted. Where did the savings go? Right into the pockets of the corporate executives. Pick up a copy of Yachting magazine and get a glimpse of what the executives can afford.
I love Hershey bars. They are my favorite candy. But I will not eat any chocolate made in mexico or China. Lets all quit buying Hershey products, which are not limited to just chocolate, and put the company into bankruptcy. Maybe this is a good company to make an example of.
Posted by: Lou | December 13, 2007 at 03:49 PM
Welcome to the USSA, part of the North American Union and the New World Order. Boycott Hersheys as well as M&M/Mars & Nestle because they don't pay fair prices for the cocoa they get from west Africa where they use child slaves on the plantations.
Ron Paul 2008
Posted by: Tim Buck | December 14, 2007 at 05:27 AM
BOYCOTT MEXICO!!! KEEP JOBS IN AMERICA!!! Im so sick of seeing this country just fall to the hands of everyone else in the world...Im sick of china making all our shitty products, sick of the mexicans coming and taking over this country, AND doing it illegally at that! Sick of companies outsourcing jobs to india and mexico. Cant even understand those towel heads! KEEP JOBS IN AMERICA!
Posted by: Jen | December 17, 2007 at 07:01 PM
Everyone talks a good story but no one is willing to stop shopping for chinese made stuff at Wal-Mart even though the profits are going towards Red China's Army. Much less other countries. Because we would rather pay less for something made somewhere else. I saw a shower head for $3 made in Japan and the one made in America was $13. Which one are you going to buy?
Unemployment - made in Japan
Posted by: Mr. Jay | January 09, 2008 at 05:12 AM
Posted by: B Schreur | January 30, 2008 at 06:29 PM
Posted by: B Schreur | January 30, 2008 at 06:29 PM
To say that we would have to pay 10x for Hershey, is not right. Did anyone ask for a pay reduction or imput from the workers that made Hershey what they became? What is the real savings moving to Mexico. 10%. I'm sure the workers would have come up with a plan to match or beat that amount. It is sad. Very sad. And Mike remember that it is the educated that is running this country and our corporations.
Posted by: sad | February 09, 2008 at 11:04 AM
Actually, the savings are estimated at 90%, maybe 75-80% once you figure in shipping.
American labor can't match that sort of reduction, and that gives us globalization...
Posted by: Scarker | February 22, 2008 at 09:23 AM
Unfortunately I have to go to Mexico 3 or 4 times a year to work with companies that packed up their US manufacturing and moved it to Mexico. The people are making $4 a day. They can't afford to take a family of 4 to Carl's Jr. for a hamburger on the weekend. If globalization means shareholders get richer, then it is a success. I've seen too many lives in this country destroyed because of globalization. Also, I think we have only scratched the surface on illegal cost cutting methods used in third world countries that put our health at risk.
Posted by: Kevin Foster | March 06, 2008 at 11:39 AM
you should not close the plant in pa. is an original life long place that my grandmother, mother and myself, also my children will always is just wrong, it makes the town. have you ever drove through the town, if not maybe you should.hershey is hershey in pa.,... you need to keep it in america>>>
Posted by: beth | April 02, 2008 at 07:31 PM
Posted by: beth | April 02, 2008 at 07:37 PM
with the way that the world is going to hell this really takes the cake. with taxes going up, gas going up, ya know this really sucks. i go to a bank and it ask me if i want my transaction in english or spanish and now our favorite candy... what will the wrapper say... hersheys.. the great AMERICAN chocolate bar... made in mexico. that really does suck... boycott hershey and mexico
Posted by: beth | April 03, 2008 at 06:20 PM
Hershey will be getting a 100% reduction of money from my pocket. I do not knowingly allow my family to eat foreign manufactured foods at any price.
Posted by: Jenny | April 10, 2008 at 09:17 PM
Hershey's is only moving one of its US plants to Mexico. Please remember that if you boycott Hershey products, you are still boycotting the other 13,000 American employees - like my husband's family in Pennsylvania. Think, read labels, God bless.
Posted by: Kate | June 13, 2008 at 10:22 PM
I called Hershey and told them we were long time customers and attendees at Hersheypark and our family would not be buying their products or visiting the park again if they sent 3000 jobs to Mexico. The woman in customer service was arrogant and unapologetic and couldn't care less what I said.
We haven't bought Hershey products since that call and that's been about a year. I tell everyone I see buying or eating their candy that they sold us out and will lead their remaining competitors to send American jobs to Mexico and next to China. Here in PA when you go in most stores on any given week you see Hershey products on sale(because they can undercut M&M/Mars, etc.) and the other brands not. So people buy the Hershey products because they're on sale, not thinking or caring about what it will mean to America's future. We cannot trust the quality controls in Mexico or China and as long as we keep buying from Mexico and China we are supporting slave labor and slave conditions.
Lately we've seen that our purchasing so many China made products has bolstered their economy and standard of living and is now costing us more for food and fuel. They are now in competition with us for oil and grain and meat! And they have purchased 1 Trillion $ in treasury bills which means we are in debt to them for 1/8 of our multi trillion dollar deficit. When will we wake up?! Make a stand today and buy American. The American made M&Ms do NOT cost $10. Be real! Spend a few cents more and keep the jobs at home.
Posted by: Gaelen | August 28, 2008 at 11:19 PM
I called Hershey and told them we were long time customers and attendees at Hersheypark and our family would not be buying their products or visiting the park again if they sent 3000 jobs to Mexico. The woman in customer service was arrogant and unapologetic and couldn't care less what I said.
We haven't bought Hershey products since that call and that's been about a year. I tell everyone I see buying or eating their candy that they sold us out and will lead their remaining competitors to send American jobs to Mexico and next to China. Here in PA when you go in most stores on any given week you see Hershey products on sale(because they can undercut M&M/Mars, etc.) and the other brands not. So people buy the Hershey products because they're on sale, not thinking or caring about what it will mean to America's future. We cannot trust the quality controls in Mexico or China and as long as we keep buying from Mexico and China we are supporting slave labor and slave conditions.
Lately we've seen that our purchasing so many China made products has bolstered their economy and standard of living and is now costing us more for food and fuel. They are now in competition with us for oil and grain and meat! And they have purchased 1 Trillion $ in treasury bills which means we are in debt to them for 1/8 of our multi trillion dollar deficit. When will we wake up?! Make a stand today and buy American. The American made M&Ms do NOT cost $10. Be real! Spend a few cents more and keep the jobs at home.
Posted by: Gaelen | August 28, 2008 at 11:21 PM
I haven't shopped in Walmart in at least 15 years both as a protest against their treatment of their employees and the cr*p they sell from China. If only I could avoid Chinese products altogether as I do food grown in Mexico. No more Hershey's dark chocolate for this consumer.
By the way that reduction in manufacturing costs will not be passed on to the consumer. It's being done to make their quarterly reports look better to shareholders. Destroying a quality product and American jobs for a questionable increase in earnings per share is not a good trade-off.
Posted by: MarieC | September 30, 2008 at 07:22 AM
people don,t understand we,re spelling our doom,our dollrs go there, none come here, we don,t have a tax base, more people living on the system.It just spirals down, except for the rich.I get it, people can,t get factory jobs, we don,t make anything anymore, people can,t feed themselves or their families, and nobody,s listening because they,re not responsible for their fellow man.We,re borrowing our own money back from china to run our country, how do you like that?
Posted by: steve seckendorf | November 09, 2008 at 08:28 PM