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Lori Wallach on HuffPo: "Tribunal OKs Mining Corp’s CAFTA Attack on Green Policy: Did Team Obama Really Need More Reasons to Renegotiate Bush’s NAFTA-Style Trade Deals?"

Check out Lori Wallach's latest piece on the Huffington Post:

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Tribunal OKs Mining Corp’s CAFTA Attack on Green Policy: Did Team Obama Really Need More Reasons to Renegotiate Bush’s NAFTA-Style Trade Deals?

“[Pacific Rim Mining Corp.] is using the CAFTA provisions that grant foreign investors expansive new rights to sue governments in foreign tribunals over regulations or government actions that conflict with the pacts' special rights for foreign investors and that could undermine their future expected profits. …The same provisions appear word-for-word in Bush Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with Korea, Colombia and Panama… The fact that an attack like Pacific Rim’s would even be possible highlights what is wrong with our current trade agreement model.”

Read the entire piece at the Huffington Post.

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