Scott Walker's NAFTA trade package
May 24, 2011
President Obama came under fire from progressives earlier this year who felt he did not do enough to support the working families in Wisconsin and throughout the Midwest who have been fighting to preserve their collective bargaining rights from attacks by anti-worker governors like Scott Walker.
Now, the administration has gone a step further and is touting Scott Walker's support for a package of three NAFTA-style trade deals that are projected to offshore American jobs. The letter also calls for reinstatement of Fast Track, the undemocratic mechanism invented by Richard Nixon to ram trade deals through Congress that expired in 2007 and that Obama campaigned against as a candidate.
Most governors did not sign onto this latest NAFTA push. But major anti-union Republican governors including Walker and Indiana's Mitch Daniels are on the letter. (See whether your governor signed on or not after the jump.)
It's one thing to backtrack on the fair-trade campaign commitments you made to your political base, adopt Bush's trade policies as your own, and refuse to go out of your way to fully support your political base in state level politics. It's quite another to actively partner with governors that want to destroy your political base on an agenda the American people despise.
Click here to take action and urge your member of Congress to vote down Scott Walker's NAFTA trade package.
See the full list of signatories after the jump.
These 24 state governors signed the letter (17 GOP, 5 Dems):
Governor State Party
Robert Bentley Alabama Republican
Mike Beebe Arkansas Democrat
John Hickenlooper Colorado Democrat
Dan Malloy Connecticut Democrat
Nathan Deal Georgia Republican
C.L. "Butch" Otter Idaho Republican
Mitch Daniels Indiana Republican
Terry E. Brandstad Iowa Republican
Sam Brownback Kansas Republican
Paul R. LePage Maine Republican
Rick Snyder Michigan Republican
Haley Barbour Mississippi Republican
Dave Heineman Nebraska Republican
Brian Sandoval Nevada Republican
Chris Christie New Jersey Republican
Mary Fallin Oklahoma Republican
John A. Kitzhaber Oregon Democrat
Lincoln Chafee Rhode Island Republican elected as an Independent
Dennis Daugaard South Dakota Republican
Gary R. Herbert Utah Republican
Christine O. Gregoire Washington Democrat
Scott Walker Wisconsin Republican
Matthew Mead Wyoming Republican
These two officials of non-states also signed the letter:
Eddie Calvo Guam Republican
Luis G.Fortuno Puerto Rico Republican
These 15 Democratic governors did not sign on:
Jerry Brown, California
Jack Markell, Delaware
Neil Abercrombie, Hawaii
Pat Quinn, Illinois
Steve Beshear, Kentucky
Martin O'Malley, Maryland
Deval Patrick, Massachusetts
Mark Dayton, Minnesota
Jay Nixon, Missouri
Brian Schweitzer, Montana
John Lynch, New Hampshire
Andrew Cuomo, New York
Bev Purdue, North Carolina
Peter Shumlin, Vermont
Earl Ray Tomblin, West Virginia
These 12 GOP governors did not sign on:
Sean Parnell, Alaska
Janice Brewer, Arizona
Rick Scott, Florida
Bobby Jindal, Louisiana
Susana Martinez, New Mexico
Jack Dalrymple, North Dakota
John Kasich, Ohio
Tom Corbett, Pennsylvania
Nikki Haley, South Carolina
Bill Haslam, Tennessee
Rick Perry, Texas
Bob McDonnell, Virginia
These four officials of non-state did not sign on:
Gov. Togiola Tulafono, American Samoa
Mayor Vince Gray, DC
Gov. Benigno Fitial, Northern Mariana Islands
Gov. John deJongh, Virgin Islands
(Parenthetically, I would also note that a key claim made in the letter - that FTAs help exports - is completely belied by the facts. As we've shown in the past, export growth to FTA countries lags far behind that to non-FTA countries.)