Benefits from WTO Doha Round are a MIRAGE
Japan Forces Down Value of Yen, Raising Concerns on Trans-Pacific FTA

Sherrod Brown Tosses the Panama FTA

Well, not quite. But, man, that FTA text does look pretty heavy, and like it could put a hurtin' on some of the senators in the room that are against fair trade.

But here's a floor speech from fair trade champion Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) on the night the Senate voted on the Panama, Korea and Colombia trade deals. It's about 30 minutes, and a very eloquent description of why these trade deals are no longer primarily about "trade," but about how we regulate our domestic economy. Brown's TRADE Act would go a long way to getting "trade" policy right.

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Why do you say "trade" like that? Are you unsure of how to properly use the quotes there, champ?

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