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True-Blue Reformers losing their color

In 1995, we awarded a "True-Blue Reformer" award to 143 House members (43 Republicans and 100 Democrats) who voted for bills banning gifts and improving lobbying disclosure while voting against five amendments that would weaken the measures.  Last week, we sent a letter to those still in Congress saying their status as “true-blue reformer” is not “evergreen” given all of the corruption scandals that have gone under the bridge since 1995 and that the Public Citizen credential must be renewed with their decision to sign the Voters First Pledge.

As of this morning, one of the class of True Blue Reformers has now signed on, but the rest, including Tom Davis who still boasts of his 1995 honor on his Web site, have not yet responded.  Members of the 1995 “Reformers” group who do not sign the pledge by Oct. 15 -- this Sunday -- will have their True Blue credentials revoked.

What gives?  Look up your members of Congress on the Voters First Web site and make sure they have signed -- if not, call their office and ask them to sign on!


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