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$28,500 per Couple...

This is what it costs to rub elbows with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and ten other important House committee chairs.

This week, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee hosted the pricey event at the estate of Albert Dwoskin, a local real estate baron.

ABC News' Jake Trapper raises a valid concern:

"The event will be one of the highest-dollar fundraisers since the McCain-Feingold campaign finance limits were enacted in 2002 and it opens Democrats — who campaigned against the GOP's 'culture of corruption' last November — to charges of hypocrisy."

It's time to end this endemic hypocrisy by fundamentally changing the rules of the game.  The Fair Elections Now Act would do the job, allowing members of Congress to recuse themselves from the pay-to-play system we have today.


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Where is Public Citizen's condemnation of Speaker Pelosi and the DCCC? $28,500 is a bit out of the price range of Jane and Joe Citizen.

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