
  • TheWatchdogBlog.org is published by Public Citizen's Congress Watch. We work to ensure that Congress represents citizens by exposing the harmful impact of money in politics and fighting for an improved democracy. We also champion consumer interests before the U.S. Congress and seek to preserve citizen access to the courts to redress corporate harm and negligence.

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The New Dog on the Blog

Welcome to our new and improved Watchdog Blog.

This dog covers all Congress Watch issues and campaigns, not just money and politics.  We aren’t going to let up on exposing political corruption, but now we will cover all of the juicy stuff in our bailiwick – critical issues like civil justice, including access to courts and consumer advocacy.  If government or corporate accountability is in question, or when other vital reforms are needed, you will read about it here.

In addition to the freshly groomed appearance of the Watchdog, it also now has syndication by both RSS feed and email.  You can subscribe to receive all Watchdog Blog posts, or if you prefer, you can choose to receive only posts on Money & Politics or Civil Justice issues.

It’s also MUCH easier to participate.  If you can’t remember your comment login and password, don’t worry.  Now all you need to join the discussion is a name, an email, and an opinion.

Just hit comments and let’s begin the conversation.   


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Joan C.

Love the look of this blog! It is very engaging. I'll be checking in on a regular basis.

William Gibson

Why aren't there impeachment proceedings against President Bush. He has turned the presidency into a monarchy and Bush and Cheney are the worst tandem in history. I believe irreparable damage will be done to this country unless these two are removed.

LaVonne Otwell

Love it! Just what we need in an easy to read, accessible form. Congratulations to Apollo.

Christine Gallo

Congratulations. Great site, probably one of the best I've visited in a long time; here's one for the people!


Joan C,
I am told by congresspersons that impeachment at this time will "further divide the nation." The present Congress seems to be hailed by some Republicans as not acting in a partisan manner.
The President, Vice-resident and advisers have violated Articles of the Consitution, the Geneva Convention, and US Statutes. Yet, as Adolph H mentioned, it is wonderful for leaders that people do not think.
Impeachment requires a 2/3 vote in the House. That supermajority is not in favor, yet.
Karl Rove, the architect of Bush's policies, may be vulnerable, if literally millions of erased emails can be retrieved. As he goes, so will Bush and Cheney.

mara chui


Hi, What an Idea! Thank you for sharing this posted article for me or for every one,
you made a great job for your Blog.Keep it up the good work..
Again thank you very much.. Cheers

Best Regards,
Mara Chui

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