Stroll for Safety in DC Tomorrow
Dangerous toys are still on the shelves. We need your help to make sure Congress enacts the kind of toy safety our children deserve by banning phthalates and significantly reducing levels of lead in kids’ toys.
Bring your kids -- America’s littlest consumers -- to a stroller rally tomorrow at the Capitol to tell Congress toys should be safe enough for kids!
With your help, we recently pushed the House and Senate to pass legislation that will make consumer products safer. Now a conference committee is reconciling the differences between the two bills, including banning the use of lead and phthalates -- an industrial plasticizer and a powerful reproductive toxin -- in children’s products.
Join us TOMORROW at the Capitol to tell Congress to get tough on toys!
Also, if you haven’t already, please send an instant email now to your members of Congress!
The rally and press conference will start at 10 AM TOMORROW, Thursday, May 15, 2008 at the Upper Senate Park on Constitution Ave between New Jersey and Delaware Avenues, in Washington, DC.
Questions? Send an email to [email protected] for more information, or to let us know you're coming. Don't forget to tell your family and friends with kids in the DC area!