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Protecting the rights of government whistleblowers

originally posted by Alyssa Wolice at CitizenVox

It’s no secret that the government officials you elect to serve the public’s best interests often abuse their power and cost you your hard-earned dollars. So, when the average government employee witnesses the acts of corruption that continue to plague our political system, shouldn’t they have the freedom to speak up and protect the public’s rights without facing the risk of retaliation?

Though strong bills were passed last year that would provide whistleblowers with greater protection of their rights to free speech, now is the time to demand that Congress finish the job by passing a final bill.

The truth is plain and simple. Millions of taxpayer dollars have been squandered. Documents regarding our own nation’s security have been falsified. Scientific research has often been altered, or worse yet, brought to a complete stand-still. Yet, the very same employees who can defend our rights by blowing the whistle on the government misconduct have less protection than corporate employees enjoy. As a result, too few employees are willing to take on the risks of speaking out against government wrongdoings.

Wouldn’t it be nice to ensure that these everyday eyewitnesses of government corruption can stand up for public rights without feeling intimidated or threatened?

You can help! Stand up for the everyday heroes who protect your rights by taking action now. So far, more than 200 public interest organizations have signed on to urge Congress to change the status quo - and now you can too. Sign the Citizens’ Whistleblower Petition today or read more about what the Make It SAFE Coalition is doing to protect those who help to overcome political corruption. There is no better time than now to make Congress aware of the grassroots support for honesty and accountability within our government.


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I am actually going through the whistleblower phase !!! I have the Postal office of inspector general going through my case right now as we speak !!! They are allowing untrained personnel to work on equipment in the post office and getting away with it . An employee from providence Rhode Island was told to work on a lifting dock years ago and he said he did not know anything about it , so the boss says give it a try anyways !! That person is now dead !!! A fellow employee filed with OSHA stating basically the same locally and they thought it was I who filed so I have a 2 week suspension pending !!!!

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